Cajun sweet potato peel chips
Still with the idea of reducing my food waste by using all my vegetables, I had previously talked to you about using carrot tops. Now I'm wondering how to use my sweet potato peelings? By making Cajun sweet potato peel chips.
Even better choux? Make a choux pastry cracker!
Les choux à la crème c’est bon. C’est encore meilleur avec un peu plus de croustillants. Une façon simple de rajouter cette texture à vos réalisations est d’ajouter un craquelin pour pâte à choux.
Carrot tops pesto
J'aime beaucoup le pesto. C'est une "sauce" à base de basilic qui se marie avec beaucoup de plats. J'en mange dans mes pâtes dans mes sandwichs, en apéro... Lorsque vous n’avez plus de pesto et pas de basilic sous la main, il existe une alternative. Réaliser un pesto de fanes de carottes. C’est très bon...
Choux pastry
Choux pastry! It took me a long time to try it, because it seemed difficult. But it's really a recipe I love. My nearest and dearest remember my indigestion of cream-filled choux at a family party.
My mom's chocolate mousse
The recipe I'm about to share with you is somewhat sacred in my family. It has contributed to many a sibling war. The point being: who's going to get more, or who's going to get the chance to finish it. Here's my mom's chocolate mousse recipe!
Easy autumn vegetable curry
This week I made an autumn vegetable curry. It's super easy to make in large quantities. We've been eating it all week. With either rice, bread or on its own, everything works.
Orzo and pesto salad
A new salad perfect for summer. This time, it's based on orzo and pesto. Accompanied by a few vegetables. It's fresh and eats itself.